When you said, In sorrow you’ll bring forth children
You didn’t tell
How you can split with joy
To be a channel into the world
To overflow and grow with heart’s ease.
When you said, He shall rule over you
You didn’t tell
That rule was also given to babes
Who tread the days
And the cleaving of one flesh
That is all honeycomb.
When you said, It is not good for man to be alone
You didn’t count
The couples expecting
And not yet ruled
To be alone together, in the agony of a hollow womb
Waiting to be given acronyms
So they become a Dad and Mum.
And when you said, A help meet for him
You didn’t tell
That the day had already come
And familiar delight
Stirs heavy joints
Even before sunrise
Only to (breast) feed
And revive.
Translated by Atar Hadari
Read Hebrew version: כשאמרת, לא סיפרת